When using threadings from other games as in sample 3 do we first rewrite them as shadow weave treadlings?
Sample 3 and 4
Sorry Catherine, I’m not sure what your question is. Could you explain in more detail?
In season 4 episode 8 on sample 3 Jane uses threadings from the point twill gamp for treadlings. Does she treadle them as shadow weave, rewriting the treadling as 1-3, 2-4, 3-1 etc or are they treadled as in the gamp 1, 2, 3, 4 etc ? She doesn't talk about whether they are treadled in shadow weave style or as twill. Hope this clarifies.
Sorry for the delay, Catherine……this is what Ginette has come up with to answer your question:
Yes, it’s threaded shadow weave, and woven shadow weave. You need two colours for it to work and two different treadles to create any shadow weave, whether in twill, point, etc.
If you weave in twill you still need to follow it with its buddy for shadow weave to work. Watch 4.8.1 at 12:00 mark, where Jane draws it on the blackboard.
Also, this is from the pattern which shows the treadling sequence graph at the bottom right of page 2. When you are doing twill, you still need to follow it with its shadow weave buddy to get shadow weave. Your twill is all the ‘1’s in the treadling sequence, the X’s are their shadow.
Check out treadling sequence graph at the bottom of page 2, this is what you use as your guide for treadling. Even if you are using twill, you still need to follow it with its shadow weave buddy to get shadow weave.
12 is followed by 34 (X)
23 is followed by 14 (X)
34 is followed by 12 (X)
14 is followed by 23 (X)
Thanks for your reply. I understand sequence and would like to clarify that at 7:32 whenJane is showing the twill patterns she followed and at 10:40 when she is showing the undulating twill pattern she is also adding the shadow weave picks when weaving. This is is season 4 eposode 8. Thank you
I’ve seen where Jane shows her treadling sequence for the undulating twill in Shadow Weave. If you are still in doubt, have you woven a small segment using the Shadow Weave treadling in Undulating Twill and another in just Undulating Twill by itself? Sometimes the only way to understand what’s happening is to weave your question 😏