I am a little confused by the red circles on the treadling draft in the pdf for this episode. Do I omit the pick that is in the red circle or do I throw it and turn back? For example, on the ascent I’ve got it fine, but once I throw the 4-1 pick do I go to the 2-3 pick or turn back and throw the 1-3? If so, why is the first 1-2 pick at the top in red? I know I’m overthinking this, but now I’m confused. Please help! Thanks.
Treadling point Twill
I think I understand now. I have watched the video several times, and when Jane weaves using the threading draft it all makes perfect sense! It’s when I look at the vertical treadling I get confused going down the descent or backwards …
David, it sounds like you'e got this figured out. I have found that if I draw a little picture showing the diagonals I don't even need to write down the treadling....just follow the picture and you can change up your treadling easily for alternate twills.
If the line is going up hill for a 2/2 twill it's 12, 23, 34. 14
If it's going downhill it's 14, 34, 23, 12
If it's at a point, you don't treadle the pick twice...eg 12,23,34,14,34,23,12
I'm attaching a little photo with examples:
Thank you, Cheryl! I think it’s best for me not to use the vertical, column-like, treadling sequence and to stick to what you mention. It makes far more sense than the up/down sequence, esp for treadling shadow weave.