I have watched Jane's lessons on winding on a single warp chain. In all of her lessons, I see her winding on a single chain using a stack of lovely books. Oh how I wish that were my situation. It would make life so easy. Unfortunately, every project I have made has required me to do multiple chains. I thought I had a standard size warping board, at least I think I do (Shacht with 5 " pegs), so I do not understand how I cannot wind on the full amount of yarn required for a project on my board. I weave on a Baby Wolf loom so its not like I'm making anything gigantic, just 4 towels at a time with a 22 inch wide warp, using 5/2 yarn. So I just wound on 3 separate chains for my latest project. It was murder. Plus, because the looms are small and lack the heft of the big looms, it is recommended that you set up your Baby Wolf on a rug so it doesn't bounce around when you weave, so I have limited space to utilize the heavy book method ( I have an area rug with a heavy couch restig on it). Getting all 3 chains centered on the floor, equally weighted down, plus keeping tangles from happening when fastening onto the warping rod ... well I'm looking for a video of Jane giving some advice because I'm sure there is a better way. And if there's a better way, I'm sure Jane knows it. If Jane has made a video on projects with multiple chains, please let me know where to find it. If you're looking for more video material to help us beginners Jane, I'd be the first in line for this one! Many thanks.
Hi Linda
Did you ever sort out your problem with not being able to fit all the threads for your warp onto the warping board pegs in one go? I am using 8/2 cotolin, which is pretty thin I think, but there is no chance at all that I can fit a warp of over 300 ends onto it in one go, and I am going to have to split it into 3 parts. I have an Ashford warping frame. I wonder why they don’t make the pegs longer, so that more threads will fit on. I am pushing the threads back on the pegs as I wind on the warp threads, but it would be impossible to get enough on. I am a true beginner at this and am not looking forward to trying to put the three separate warp chains onto the loom ( a Louet Jane 70cm table loom). Any advice would be welcome! Thanks. Kathy
Hi Katherine, no I never got an answer. I would greatly appreciate input from Jane’s team on this.