I have an old (1972) Harrisville Loom. No tie ups. Do I just make a list of the shafts to be lifted and keep repeating? I find it hard to hold down three treadles, but it is possible. I know I can get new treadles with 6 but they cost more than I paid for the loom! I tried making the 1st sampler but found it very confusing. Thanks
Can you post a photo of your loom for us to see? Here is the information on how to do that. https://help.schoolofweaving.tv/article/100-uploading-images
In the meantime - attach a note to the castle in front of you listing the different blocks you will be using and the shafts that have to be used to create those blocks. Which Episode are you doing - Huck?
Yes, I wanted to work on the Huck sampler. I would like to know if this is correct before I convert all the versions. Version 1 I think it would be 3,1; 4; 3,1; 4;3,1;4,2;1;4,2;1;4,2. If this is correct then I think I can convert the rest. I will try to upload. The Harrisville loom from the 70s is a direct tie up 4 pedals to 4 shafts only. It works great and has had a lot of wear.
It looks like you understand what you need to treadle to get the first sample in Weft Floats. Your loom looks like a wonderful "workhorse" and thank you for the photo. I'd never had an opportunity to see a photo of that original Harrisville loom. Have fun weaving the Huck samples.