Where is the mistake?
Are you treadling
13,34,13,34,13 then
No, for lace 13, 34, 34, 13,24, 12, 12, 24
If you are weaving it like Huck Lace, then the treadling that I just wrote above is the correct sequence. You are missing the 13, between your 2 picks of 34.
Oh, thank you so much!
I obviously misunderstood TAW.
So glad I don't have to change the tie up.
Tomorrow I will try again.
I am so happy I found your course!
I was treadling the units TAW...an A, then a B.
TAW in twills would be using the threading to become your treadling
Basically it means following the warp order by units or by threads. In this case and all the other lace weaves in that season, it is following the warp order by units :) Hope this helps and now you'll get your pattern. yay!
Oh, genius me.
As often , I meant Canvas, but said Huck, so sorry for the confusion!
I am trying to weave the CANVAS-Sampler.
The piece above is the right part of the sampler with the real canvas tie up.
The first part should be lace, followed by warp floats and weft floats, but it looks completely different as it should.
So the toggling I wrote above should be right for lace? 13, 34, 34, 13, 24, 12, 12, 24
You are correct for Canvas weave. Make sure you don't overbeat. So much appears when you wash it. It might help to watch Canvas at the loom again. Let us know how you're getting along.
Okay, now I can believe it .
Your support is really outstanding, thanks soo much!
So I will start with the whole runner, this was just to get into it first.
Weaving is so much fun!