Just completed two towels off of my ten-yard warp in 8/2, 5/2, and 8/4 cotton. I am finally understanding how one can pour all the tools and techniques together. For this set of towels, I used color and weave and canvas weave plus added the varying yarn sizes. I wove these pieces at 18 epi and thought I would change to a 15 or 16 sett for the next set. But after washing and drying (line), I think that 18 is pretty good. For the next set of towels, I do think I'll reduce the 8/4 cotton gold stripe to a lesser sett to see how that looks. And, I will put lace into the side panels when I re-thread. This is getting to be fun!
Canvas Weave
Season 5 - Laces
· 3 replies
Oh, by the way, I would like to share a photo of the canvas weave towels but need a bit of direction to upload. Thanks!
Isn’t Canvas Weave the perfect structure for a runner! We look forward to seeing your photo/photos. The instructions are under the Resources tab at the top of the page - under Forum. https://help.schoolofweaving.tv/article/100-uploading-images
Joan Goddard
Marjorie Anderson
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Cheryl Schwarz