Jane is an incredible teacher; I'm just one of those students with an old brain. In version #5 of the sampler, she goes to the board and draws out how the heddling and it is wonderful: tabby, float.... so I see exactly what to do. BUT on the earlier samples 1-4, I am confused as to whether I put in a tabby. For example, in #1, is it just heddles 8 and 7 back-to-back with no tabby between (18181; 27272)? I do have the Mother of All Tie-ups on my loom and marked appropriately.
And this question: she says outside outside; inside inside. How do I know if the heddle is outside or inside? For example, in sample #1, is weft A outside and weft B inside? In #2, is warp A inside and warp B outside? If so, I understand the terms are within the like pattern: weft A and B is A outside; warp A and B is B outside; lace A and B is A outside; plain weave has T on heddles 3 and 1 as outside and T on heddles 4 and 2 is inside? Thank you for your patience; it is hard for old minds to learn new things. :)
I am making an assumption here that when you type heddles you mean treadles ;-) Have you given yourself the time to watch the episode again and do the drawdowns in Episode 3 - lesson 2 - Huck Drawdowns. I often find that actually doing the drawdowns helps me understand what is happening in a structure and that is why Jane suggests that we do them. As to PW - the PW13 treadle is the furthest treadle on the left - therefore on the outside. PW24 is just to the right of it on the "inside" with the other treadles. Hope this helps.
Yes, treadles, sorry. I have watched several times and done the drawdowns. I'm clear on the PW. Can you respond re the outside outside inside inside re the weft warp lace part of the question please. Thank you.
I'm not really sure I understand your question. If I look at the Mother of all tie-ups on page 4 those tie-ups are exactly like they are in the drawdowns...but in reverse because the Mother of all tie-ups is for a rising shed loom. Your drawdowns are for a sinking shed loom....does that help?