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S3-Episode 9 - PW with Supplementary Warp & Weft
Hello. Looking for advice for the 'supps up' for this project - 4 shaft Fanny CB loom.
I had no issue with episode 8 supplementary warp project and using direct tie up was able to work with the sheds, even though they were a bit small.
This seems to be a different beast. I have no issue with my tabby (1/3 against 2/4) and no issue with my supps down (1/2/3 against 1/2/4)
It's my supps up that is giving me grief. 1 against 2. What happens is I can treadle the 1 and pass my shuttle okay although it is quite a small shed and then when I go to beat and treadle 2 it's like they are getting caught on each other and there is resistance on the beater and the shed is unusable. I have to reset the shafts to neutral and then hit the next treadle.
Am I using the wrong tie ups? I have no idea why It's an issue with this project and not with the previous??
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thanks, Leslie
Hi Leslie,
Well that is a stumper, when you reset the shafts to neutral does everything work well? Is there a chance your hooks in the middle of the shafts are getting caught on each other. It makes no sense that it worked on your first piece and not this one. The tie-ups are just the same. I'm not sure what to suggest. I wish I could see what was happening. If you want to take a video and send it to me [email protected] I'll have a look see. Hope this helps.
Thank you for trying to help me. Alas after time spent taking a video and being unsuccessful in figuring out how to get it small enough to email....I've decided I don't need to do supps up. LOL. I'll just carry on with a smaller design toolbox for this particular project.
I see a loom with more than 4 shafts in my future:)
Hi team. I haven't heard back from my call for help last week so thought I would give a poke. thanks Leslie
Sorry, it got missed this Tuesday - totally my fault and I’ve forwarded it on to the Studio to get some help with your problem.
Fantastic. Thanks so much. My life must be in slow felt like last week and it was only 2 days ago. My bad.
Looking for a helpful hint! I have a supplemental warp project with supplemental threads on shafts 1,2,3, and 4 and plain weave background on shafts 5 and 6. Pretty wide project so LOTS of threads on 5 and 6. Problem: When I lift 5, 6 pops part way up and when I left 6, 5 pops part way up., so I’m getting a terrible shed. Can you offer any advise on how to remedy the situation?
Hi Joan,
Hmmmmm, I usually put my ground on harnesses 1 and 2 so I'm not sure if having them on 5 and 6 makes a difference. Can you add a weight to 5 and 6. I am assuming this is a Jack Loom. Maybe release the tension a tad. Maybe it could be the density. What is your warp and supp warp made of and what do you have it sett at?
I am thinking about getting yarn for PW with supplementary warp/weft and I have zephyr on my shelf. Would it work the same as merino or should I order it?
I'm hoping to try this project, but making it look closer to the original inspiration without the element of collapsing during the fulling process. I am hoping to make it in 8/2 cotton, which I have on hand. I recently moved to Portugal, and unfortunately, it's quite a challenge to get weaving yarns here.
My question is, could I use 8/2 cotton for both the ground fabric and the supplementary warp and weft? From the Online Guild Sample and a zoomed in glimpse of the original book page, it seems that the supplementary yarns are thicker. I'm okay if it doesn't look exactly the same as the inspiration, but I wanted to make sure there wouldn't be any structural issues with using 8/2 cotton for both.
Thank you very much for this and for all your wonderful classes. I am learning so much!
Sarah Neal
Hi Sarah, You can use 8/2 for both, absolutely. There won’t be any structural issues. Share some pictures when you’re done :)