When I purchased my Maccomber loom (40 years ago) my weaving teacher suggested I have two sectional beams put on the loom. I have never used paper before (and have never learned to warp sectionally) and wonder if it is necessary. I have been cutting strips of brown paper which I poke onto the metal separators. This works, but I have to go behind the loom and pull them off as I advance the warp. I think if I used a hole punch, they might fall out as I advance the warp. Should I consider purchasing a one regular beam?
Using paper on a sectional beam?
Season 1 - Foundation
· 3 replies
usually sectional beams are so large around that you don't have to add packing material, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't use any on my big gilmore , and I've never warped it "in sections" either - I just use regular warps and a trapeze.
Suzanne L Correira
I've never used any paper or anything else when warping my sectional looms (currently the David 3). No tension issues. The dividers do all the work. I warp using an AVL warping wheel.
Opps, I responded days ago but somehow didn't post! Thanks Rebecca and Cheryl for your info on warping on my sectional beams. I will just warp paper-free from now on. Using a trapeze to warp is something that interests me given my limited space in front of the loom.
Cheryl Schwarz