I bought the Ocean colors tea towel kit and warped on a warping board in the sequence given in the pattern.
I held two threads together while warping the center 3 sections with limette and turquoise. The center section has each pair of the limette/turquoise threads twisting around each other and became so tight that the warp was breaking (good practice fixing broken warp threads Jane's way). The other two sections, which were warped the same way, are not twisting. What did I do to cause the twisting in this center section?
twisted warp threads in center of warp
Linda, Are they twisting behind the heddles?
Yes, they are. After 2 broken warp threads I looked behind the loom and discovered really twisted warp threads--each pair of limette and turquoise across the center section. I had warped the other two sections the same way, but these are not twisting.
Did your threads travel in a separated duo directly from the cones of yarn and through your hand? Sometimes we just do things automatically, without realizing it. (says the weaver who can’t believe she chained my latest warp without the cross!)
I thought I had, but don't really remember! I am envisioning having to cut the 4th or 5th placemat off, then unsley, unthread, and untwist just those center yarns, then rethreading, resleying, and tying it all on the cloth beam again just to finish the last 4 placemats! I haven't woven for 40 years, so signed up with JST to start from the beginning. I will pay closer attention next time I warp!
I'm wondering, as this is occurring in only one section, if your spools were unwinding in opposite directions (one clockwise and one counter clockwise) in this section.
I would definitely cut the warp after this towel is done and pull the warp from the front of the loom, untwist those threads and beam the warp back onto the back beam.
I'm not sure if you'd need to rethread or resley. The threads are in the correct order. You just need to get the threads untwisted on the back beam. I would pull the threads straight from the front of the loom, let it lay on the floor straight and let it relax for a while. Then I would separate the threads into fist sized groups and tie the ends together with a simple slip knot and weigh them down with books etc (or have a helper hold onto them). I would then start at the back beam and finger comb the sections, through to the cut ends at the front and see if the twist becomes untwisted.
I may need to consider straightening the warp as I near the last towels. For now I advance the warp and then go to the back of the loom and untwist each of the pairs to below the warp beam. The twist back there is getting tighter as I weave though!
Sorry I didn’t think of this sooner, Linda - I’ve been out of town and surrounded by music - not looms ;-) You could just cut those pairs at the beginning of a towel and hang replacement pairs off the back of the loom to get you to the end of the warp. I think that would make your life a whole lot easier!
Would I need to weight those replacement warps? I wouldn't have as much yarn to weave with if I replaced the twisted warps with replacement warps though.
Yes, you would have to weigh the warps. The replacement warps only have to be as long as you need for the remaining towels plus some buffer for take-up and loom waste. They need to be long enough to get to the end of the last towel with your weight still hanging off the back of the loom.
I am weaving on towel #6 and still untwisting from the back. If I can get to towel 8 or 9 I may try pulling the remaining warp from the front, weighting the warp with books and see how far back I can untwist without cutting anything. If that won't work I will probably need to do some cutting and untwisting!
Update. I finished my towels and was able to weave up to the last 8 inches! I had to go behind the loom every time I advanced the warp and pull the twists out of that section, but did not have to cut, untwist, and sley again. The threads were twisted very tightly around the rod at the end though. Lesson learned--pay attention next time I warp to see if I am twisting threads somehow.
👏👏👏 It’s a good feeling to have finished a challenging warp, isn’t it? We’ve all been there 😉