Hi Jane and Weaving Team,
I just got my new David III last week. I am so excited. I successfully made a warp for the Asymmetry kit, and threaded the heddles. Now it is time to sley the reed. I have the 10 dent that came with the loom, and I also bought a 6 dent. I am thinking that the math is easier with the 6, since it would be 3/dent and come out even for 18 epi. Will that be OK?
Reed substitution
Season 1 - Foundation
· 4 replies
Deb Olliff
I used the 6 , Kaye. I have since bought a 12 dent reed though, and use it a lot.
I'm in the same pickle today - I see that you chose to use the 6 reed - how did it work out for you? Do you wish you had used the 10?
Michele - I have a full complement of reeds and so I chose to use a 6 dent reed instead of a 12 for an 18 epi 8/2 cotton project. Felt very smart warping it up, and it all went smoothly. Yet somehow I didn't like using it during the weaving project.
I know that all things come out in the wash - but somehow the grouping of the threads didn't seem to control the warp as well as the 12 dent reed.
Just my feeling - but I was surprised as to my forming a strong preference for the 12 dent reed for 8/2 cotton sett at 18 epi.