I've a louet delta loom. Been weaving away for 5 years happily enough but always felt it wasn't quite perfect setup. So today I've taken dimensions from floor to lams and shafts and used a level to be sure everything is perfectly level and at the correct height but I'm still missing something. When I take the pin out the shafts drop slightly more than I think they should. Warp hitting top of eye in heddles rather than center and what really bothers me is a few threaddles when pressed don't return to horizontal. There is little spring in them
It all feels wrong. I'm guessing I need to adjust the texsolve at top of loom on either side but some advice on how to would be great ( if this could be the problem ) I'd like to have all elements back equal and perfect. The tension on each continuous texsolve is different. Advice would be excellent.
Just a quick response - let us know if this helps. Delta Heights