I just warped my Jane 40 for the 1st time and the ends that form the bottom of the shed are consistently lax. I cannot figure out how to fix this. Any advice?
Jane 40 has laxity in ends forming bottom of shed
Hi Dorothy - I’m assuming you made sure that your warp was evenly taut before you tied it to the cloth beam. What is the weave structure you are weaving? In the interim, so you can finish weaving off that warp, you could apply a trick that Jane uses for the Season 3 - Supplementary Warp project which can be found at the 1 hour and 15 minute mark of 3.8.2 - Weaving your Supplementary Warp Sample. Another place you could heck for questions regarding your Jane loom is the JST Knowledge Base on the JST website - https://janestaffordtextiles.com/article-categories/jane/ Hope this helps.
Thanks Sandra,
I just purchased a 2nd warp beam and that's next on my list. I'm in love with overshot. I rewarped the loom yesterday and raised the shafts a bit off the table and it's working well!
Hi Dorothy
I have a WP40 Louet which has similar issues. What I have found is that, depending of the type of yarn, putting less tension on the warp helps this issue. It appears to me that the construction design of my WP40 as a rising shed loom, does not adjust enough for this. ie, with counterbalance looms there is equal tension applied to the upper and lower sheds. On jack looms this does not happen, so most Jack looms compensate for this by having the warp dip in the middle which sort of creates a fix. What I also did to my loom was to lower the harnesses a little to create this dip. It fixed it enough for me and allowed more tension to be applied. Hope that makes sense.
Jane does discuss this issue in Season 1 where she compares different looms etc.
Thank you Loobitzh. I understand conceptually why lowering the shafts would work. I find this stuff fascinating. This is my first experience with a table loom. Up to now, I've woven on an Ashford SampleIt.