The Halloween's trick or treaters are tucked in their beds, while parents hope they will fall asleep even though they might be on a sugar high! November is here and it's time to start getting serious about weaving your handwoven gifts for the holiday season that's in the fast track towards us. What's on your loom and/or what plans have you got for your November weaving?
OK - I'll start...... on my David, I have a warp for 2 of my sons - scarves to keep them warm while out for their daily walks. (middle son doesn't need to keep warm - he lives in Hanoi ;-) On my Woolhouse - my daughter-in-law - Tristesse - has a warp on the loom - she has learned how to weave this year. Her goal is to weave the canvases for her paintings - she has painted on a number of her handwoven canvases and - even though I'm not biased ;-) - I think she is doing a fabulous job both as a weaver and a painter.
That's so neat.
I love this! She is so talented!
I took a little breather after weaving the final warp for the sequins in pockets scarves in October. Yesterday I started measuring the warp for Season 8 Episode 4. My plans are to weave 2 table runners (using the 8 shaft threading) for me and one for a Christmas present. This project will go on my Carolyn table loom.
I have the cones of 10/2 cotton all picked out to start winding the warp on David 3 for a couple sets of timing pressure on this project. The threading will be 8 shaft twill with little hearts separated by basket weave. I did dish towels in this design (8/2 cotton) and love them so much that I thought I'd use a skinnier thread and weave napkins.
Cheryl, please make sure to send pictures. My news is that I am now a new owner of a Louet Spring2 loom and have just put on a simple 4 shaft twill table runner to make sure I was doing the tie up correctly. There is still alot to learn, especially about adjusting the tension with the floating breast beam. But overall I'm very pleased with how responsive the Spring2 is and how easy it is to treadle. I also love the built in raddle. This feature made the beaming on of the warp so much easier and certainly helped maintain my cross.
Will do Diane, I finished threading the table runners yesterday evening. The colors are going to be so much fun to look at while I weave.
Congrats on the purchase of your new loom !! So exciting.
Crackle bath towels.
Just pulled two off the loom. Multi-colored weft in different greens and blues, then ran through the colors in the ground and pattern rotating one out and a new one in out after weaving 1 - 1 1/2". I got so fascinated with four different color blocks across the same-colored warp, that I made another one with much larger blocks, so it looks like patchwork (and not quite so busy as the first one). Will rethread with the rest of the warp and see what kind of trouble I can get into.
I’m a beginner and am weaving the Sassy Brassy Log Cabin tea towels kit from JST. I love the Autumnal colors and log cabin is just so magical!
Got a Frankenstein's Monster on the loom - me thinks!!!!
I don't think that I am considered a beginner but I went back to the beginning recently. So I dressed the loom with a long warp for Colour and Weave gamp.
Did the gamp and proceeded to 'play'. Well - it's either going to be something awful or quite spectacular.........
If you can imagine a natural, navy blue and yellow warp overlaid with bits of clasped weft, asymmetrical stripes, repetitive sequencing and some of the colours of Parrot.........
Put it down to having the harrumphs this week.
I suppose it served it's purpose though - I got rid of the harrumphs 😀
I have season 5 swedish lace gamp on my loom. About halfway done. Looking forward to the next lesson, bronson spot. I started on this weaving journey during the pandemic way back in 2020. The most exciting moment for me was during plain weaving the Tulips tea towel kit my shuttle was skittering along the race at a rapid speed and I suddenly thought “that sounds just like Jane’s shuttle swooshing along her race!” I was so tickled. I thought “I have arrived!”