I just bought the Abalone and Ebony towel/scarf kit and can’t find in the pattern any mention of how to weave the hems for the towels… plain weave for an inch and a half? or in pattern adding length to the first block to accommodate the fabric turned under for the hem? How did Barbara, the designer, do her hems?
Thanks for any advice/help!
Hi David, have you watched https://www.schoolofweaving.tv/videos/1-10-8-bonus-hemming ? In this demonstration Jane refers to ½ inch hems but often also uses 1½" giving you the depth of a nice hem on the back of a tea towel. In the pattern on page 5 Jane refers to "hem the raw edges, folding ¾" twice". She normally adds ¾" of PW or Twill - depending on the structure of the cloth - on the end of each tea towel before throwing 2 picks of a divider thread between each tea towel on the loom. It's just becomes a habit when you are weaving tea towels ;-)