I have decided to purchase a Spring 2 and have found a dealer close to me who will take my 30 year old Schacht Baby Wolf as a trade in. This was a deciding factor!
I am just getting back into weaving after a decades long hiatus. I’m a beginner and learning so much from JST School of Weaving! My question is about choosing a width for the Spring loom. I’m currently interested in tea towels and pillow tops, but can see myself weaving blankets too. There aren’t any floor models available to try and I’m wondering about the comfort of weaving on a 110 loom, it’s quite a bit wider than the Baby Wolf! I’m 5’8” and don’t have any hip or shoulder problems. If anyone can chime in about their experience I’d appreciate it. Is it hard to throw a shuttle across 110cm?! Would 90cm meet all my needs?
Thanks so much!
I had the 110 spring 1 and I sold it for a 90 due to space issues.
I wish I had kept it just for the width. I’m short and yes, it did require more reaching but it wasn’t as if I was weaving the full width with every project
I did use a heavier shuttle when Inwove the full width. which helped.
Curious about the fly shuttle.