I am weaving a towel with a basic twill pattern. I am 3/4 of the way through. My selvedges have been perfect so far, but now I have a thread not catching on the right side. I cannot figure out why the thread is not catching all of the sudden, and I can't seem to fix the problem. I've checked the treadles, the heddles, and even tried throwing a tabby pick thinking I got off pattern somehow. Nothing works. Any suggestions?
I suspect that you started a new bobbin and changed which side you’re throwing the shuttle from in your treadling Cut your thread and try throwing from the other side
Thank you for answering my question. Yes, I did change bobbins, but I did try throwing from the other side, that did not work either. I counted backwards also to see if I missed a throw, but it looks okay up to the point of changing colors. I did throw a black line of tabby between, but I had been doing that at the beginning and it worked fine, no problem. I am lost.
Hello Linda
This is probably a very stupid question, but are you definitely still going ‘over’ the selvedge thread as you put in the shuttle and ‘under’ the selvedge thread on the other side as the shuttle comes out of the shed? Sometimes when I am distracted, I don’t notice that I am missing the ‘under’ selvedge part and only realise when I see a few picks where the warp thread has not been properly ‘caught’ if you know what I mean. One thing is sure, when the solution is found it will be simple thing to fix!! Meanwhile drink some tea and repeat after each mouthful….”We learn from our mistakes’….or alternatively just shriek with frustration!! I know the feeling. Good luck ! :-)
Thank you so much, Katherine! I think I was getting tired and frustrated, and I am not sure what I was doing. I needed to walk away from the loom (after I shrieked with frustration :). The next day, surprisingly, the problem solved itself when I tried treadling in the opposite direction. I went back and watched Jane's video in season 1.5.3 that explained things a little better. I was able to finish the towel, and I agree with you that I am learning much from my mistakes; maybe as much as I am from book learning since I am a kinesthetic learner. Thank you for your encouraging response!