Good Morning!
I’m new to the forum, but have been working through the seasons on the app. I’m also a fairly new floor loom weaver. I have a question that I hope someone can help with. I want to attempt the scarf pattern using yarn from my stash if possible. I have a lot of 8/2 unmercerized cotton, 8/2 tencel, and 10/2 or 3/2 mercerized cotton. Could any of these work? Any advice is appreciated!
Hi Cindy,
I often use the 8/2 cotton for my warp and the 8/2 Tencel for my weft. Some folks have mentioned that the Tencel threads often break in the warp under tension. I have had that issue at times but as long as the tension on the warp is not too tight it should be ok. Having said that, I now lean towards a cotton warp and Tensel weft. Happy weaving!
Thanks, that’s a great idea! I never think of mixing fibers. I may try that!
Barbara Olson
Barbara Olson