I have a Baby Wolf that was given to me with 20+ years ago with 8 treadles set up for a twill with a 12-dent reed. The center treadles are set up for plain weave. I wove that warp in shetland linen twill that someone warped for me, and then halted. Now it's 20+ years later.
I used the math for the # of ends in 8/2 cotton for Jane's favorite tea towels, but since I've used up the original colors learning how to correctly wind a warp, now I have just done a 5 color vertical striped warp, which, on my third try, seems to set up correctly except for two skipped dents. I can fix those.
As I have begun to weave, I've noticed that the fabric looks better in twill than it does in plainweave.
I've also noticed that treadling in twill is really making the fabric draw in. It's set up for 18 threads per inch, but I suspect that 8/2 cotton in twill would be more dense. And when I look in the Shop pages, the middle ground for twill is 22 epi, not 18. And little things tend to end up being a bigger deal in weaving than they are in, say, knitting or spinning, which I've done more often.
I've also noticed that I really have to BEAT to get the threads in, and I have to push the treadles quite firmly. I'm guessing that's normal. But I wonder if it's because the threads are being pulled into a firmer fabric than they were sleyed for, if that's a grammatically correct way of putting it.
Please advise:
If I have only woven an inch or two of this new warp, assuming I fix the skipped dents, do I
1. change the treadle tie ups now to facilitate plain weave,
2. weave the twill and not worry about the pull in
3. Watch season 4 to learn more about twill and tie-ups,
4. resley the whole thing for twill
5. Make a stiff drink and some back in the morning?
Thanks, ;-)
Julia. sometimes in Montana