I'm trying to warp a new Jane loom I bought Christmas 2022. The warp is wound on the back beam, and has been threaded through the heddles and the reed.
My questions are:
1. the gear in the back does not seem to be held in place by the rachet consistently. This can be replaced by going through the dealer, right?
2. I'm not sure I understand the direction of the texsolv strings that go around the cloth beam, then up and over the breast beam and then to the apron rod. The video for the new jane 16 video shoes the cut ends facing the weaver as the cords are screwed in. From there, do the cords go around the cloth beam away from the seated weaver, then over the breast beam, and then to the aprod rod (a wooden stick in this case) which is attached to the texsolv cords and then the rod gets tied to the warp threads? I can't find a clear picture which shows the direction of all of these details. However, I can see that the cloth goes from the apron rod, around the breast beam, back to the cloth beam.
Thanks for any help or pictures.
Julia in Montana
This is the only photo I could find for the very start of a project on my Jane:
As to you question about the rear pawl and ratchet not always staying in place...I have found that it helps when I advance my warp to have a hand on that rear pawl and press it down into the ratchet when I am done getting the desired length advanced...and then do the final tightening with the front pawl and ratchet.
I think I read that they slightly changed the location of the rear pawl to make it engage the ratchet better, perhaps someone on the JST team could answer this question???
Thanks! That picture is super helpful!
Now that I know I have the cloth beam threads wrapped in the correct direction, could someone show me the side pawls and ratchets? My dealer thought they looked backward, but they came on the loom with the tabs facing out, and the screws through the tabs, so I don't think that's the problem with the warp slipping.
All help is appreciated.
Julia in Montana
The front and rear ratchet and pawls look identical. Can you snap a photo of yours?
Julia, Your photos are REALLY close up, but I think it looks the same as mine.
Is warp on the back supposed to go over the back straight beam? In the same way that it goes over the front breast beam? If so, this might be the problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Heddles are threaded and the first set of ties have been made on the apron rod.
I can't seem to find pictures that illustrate what I'm trying to solve. The pawl goes in the correct direction, toward the center of the loom. The ratchet doesn't seem to hold it still.
Yikes. Warp needs to go over the back beam or your tension will be unfixable and your shed will be way smaller. So sorry to tell you.
Is it possible to unscrew the back beam, put it under the warp threads and screw it back in place?
Did you watch this video? It shows using the LoftyFiber items, but the warping is pretty much the same.
I'm going to try to unscrew the back beam to fix it.
I'm okay making a big error as long as there's a way to solve it. I am learning.
I will keep you posted. Thanks for the video!
Julia in Montana
I've solved the problem, I think.
I did unscrew the back beam, then slid it under the warp and screwed it back in.
In the printed directions for warping the Jane loom, I needed the following information, which was tricky to find in a single place.
1. In the assembly of the new 16-shaft Jane, the Louet gentleman tells you that that the tails of the texsolv cords should face the weaver. That helps with the direction of the cords, which I couldn't tell from other pictures.
2. In a tips and tricks video, the same Louet gentleman points out that that the warp has to go over the front beam, and he mentions in passing that new weavers sometimes missed that. (I was one of them, and that comment was a clue for me.)
3. On the Louet site, there is a picture of the Jane loom that shows the direction of the ratchet on the warp beam, with red arrows.
I needed an image for both beams that shows which way the cords wrap around the cloth and warp beam, and then how the warp or cloth travels around the slanted piece (breast beam in front, and whatever the back slanted beam is called).
I have only ever woven on a Schacht Baby Wolf, and I'm a newish weaver at that, so I hope sharing this helps someone else.
Thanks, Cheryl Schwarz!!
Julia in Montana
Looks good Julia. Do you have a weaving group/guild anywhere near you In Montana? It’s so nice to have a local weaving community for help and support I have two groups, one just north of me in Rapid City, SD., and one just south of me in Hot Springs, SD. And, I am so lucky to have a store in Hot Springs that sells weaving and spinning supplies.