I want to tie a new warp onto an old warp to preserve the threading to start a new project. I’m working on a Huck draft based on Jane’s season 5, episode 3 Huck sampler. Jane has a brief explanation in the old Knowledge Base that is fairly clear. I’m denting 1,2,1 so I’m going to put lease sticks in front of the beater and also in the back of the loom behind the heddles. She also suggests putting a set of lease sticks into the new warp and attaching them between the breast beam and the castle posts.
My question has to do with cutting off the old warp. I’m planning on leaving about 6 inches of yarn in front of the lease sticks and cutting off the warp in small increments and tying each section with an overhand knot. Then I would tie on the new warp in small sections as well. Does this seem reasonable? The only time I tried to tie onto an old warp I lost the warp over the back beam because I didn’t have it secured with lease sticks and tensioned. Diane
Hi Diane,
Just saw your other thread Warp as well. This video 1.9.2 from Season 1 on making a mohair blanket will help if you haven't watched it yet. Jane ties onto an pseudo/dummy warp. You are on the right track!
Hope this helps!
Ginette, I just watched Jane’s episode on tying onto a dummy warp and found it very useful. I am going to pull out the sley sticks I placed in the front of the reed on the old warp because it was getting too complicated and I only had 2 threads coming out of each dent. I will see how that works. I did notice that once Jane tied on the new warp to the old one, she opened the shed before beaming on to the back beam. Is that because she was working with Mohair and wanted to make sure each thread was going back thru the reed and heddles? Is that necessary if I’m using smooth threads? This was very helpful. Thanks, diane
That makes sense Diane to remove the sticks on the old warp if you're following the reed dents instead with only 1 or 2 threads in each. As long as you have your new warp's cross in lease sticks to keep those in order in the front you should be all good. Is your new warp all one colour? As for the opening of the shed, yes it's because of the mohair or any sticky yarn and to seperate them for ease of winding. She does it throughout the beaming for the mohair. You shouldn't have any problems beaming yours once the knots of passed throught the reed & heddles with a smooth yarn but do keep it in mind in case you need to do it :) Keep us posted on how you make out!