I am a beginning weaver, long time knitter and spinner, with a Schacht Baby Wolf constructed in the early 1980's. It came to me tied up with tabby in the middle, and set up for a 2x2 twill, and I have left it that way so far.
Since joining this site in July, I have warped my loom once, with struggles as the warp chain coiled the groups of cotton thread. I have one practice kitchen towel.
I cut the warp from the loom and attempted to save the groups of threads by chaining them together, even though they may have to be weft as they are cut. I removed the shafts one at a time, and realized how rusty some of the heddles were, so I ordered and installed 800 new heddles, 100 per shaft. I tossed the old ones. I also tossed the flimsy ones that were on a few of the shafts, shiny but with sharpish eyes. I am using a piece of muslin to drape the loom when not in use so the sun in the basement window doesn't bleach the next cotton warp.
**Aside from dusting, is there anything I should be doing to take care of the loom's wood? **
I really want to make colorful kitchen towels as my starter project. I have a warping board and the cotton and a plan. I've watched season 1 many times, and purchased a plastic raddle that mounts on the shafts and seems to work well.
Onward, Thanks, Julia