Hello weavers
I started to weave in 2020 during the covid quarantine. I learned everything from Youtube and, of course from Jst.. Its hard to know from the videos about the right tension, I feel you have to physically feel it, touching an experienced weaver's loom.
On my spring2 loom I've noticed that the tension effects the shed. And then I realized that on the spring loom its easier to ask about tension thanks to the floating breast beam.
So... when weaving towels with 8/2 cotton (turned twill), which hole of the texsolve cord of the floating breast beam you are using? That will give me a clue about weaving tension generally...
I know every weaver have its own personal preferences, but at least I'll have a range to learn from ..
Thanks and happy weaving for everyone...
Hi Alon - I have struggled with that issue as a well since I have never been to an in-person class. But to me the correct tension is the one that allows me to weave smoothly (without getting skips), and to get the sett that I want.
I am still trying to figure out the floating breast beam on my spring 2. I understand that it is to help us maintain constant tension throughout but I find it difficult to use.
However, I am currently weaving 8/2 cotton turned twill towels set at 20 ppi/epi and I am finding that using the 7th or 8th slot to give me good tension. I am sure this varies depending on the project/structure, etc.
Hi Rana
Thank you!! I was using 12 and on the last project moved tto sixth hole. I'll try 7-8 to see if the shed is still big.
You really helped me here...