I am weaving fabric for a dress (pattern is Assembly Line box pleat dress), using either a 4H or 8H twill. The warp is JST 20/2 silk. I am planning on 24 epi or a little higher if needed. Since I want the fabric to have some crispness and swing to it, I was thinking of using 40/2 linen (doubled) or possibly 12 gauge bambu for weft, rather than 20/2 silk. Any advice or alternatives? Thanks Susan
Using Bambu or linen for weft with 20/2 silk warp
· 2 replies
You could also try it with 16/2 cotton as the weft. I’ve used 40/2 linen (single) with 30/2 silk and gotten gorgeous results, myself. A garment with 20/2 silk and 40/2 linen would have that crispness. With the Bambu it wouldn’t have the crispness, but would be buttery. I would do some sampling to see what kind of fabric you get at a variety of setts.
Thanks for your perspective. As always, sampling is strategic especially when you need to weave 8+yards. :)
Margaret blumka alexander