I am curious if JST uses any weaving software for drafting or if you do it all by hand.
What about everyone else? I am thinking of purchasing it, but wonder how much I will use it.
Also, do many of you use the Tempo Treadle system and what are the pros and cons?
Thanks!! Gwen
Hi Gwendolyn,
I am trying out the Fiberworks software free version. I also have the try out version of iWeave or whatever it’s called, but I had a difficult time understanding it and the tutorial for that one is torture. 😫
I had to watch the episode on Fiberworks a couple of times before it made sense. I’m still learning it but I might end up buying it because it is pretty useful once it all sinks in. Bob’s directions are pretty clear, too. I think it just takes a lot of practice for it to sink in. But that said, I often just get out the graph paper and my giant box of colored pencils. With those I find that I can match the pencils to the yarn pretty closely.
I realize this is an old thread and you may have already found your answers regarding TempoTreadle. I have it and love it. Bought a Jane 70 earlier this year. Initially I downloaded WIFs from Handweaving.net to iWeaveit on my iPad. I bought the threading and treadling add-ons but did not set up voice control for advancing. There were more than a few times I lost my way and made errors. Then I got TempoTreadle. What a game changer! Yes it's not cheap but the peace of mind is worth something. Errors can still be made, the human/machine interface is not perfect. And sometimes it takes a few taps to get the screen to respond. There is no direct interface to a computer so WIFs are transferred with a micro SD card. The micro SD card is tiny and old fingers don't always grasp it well. I have half a mind to use needle nose pliers to handle it. The folks at Lofty Fiber think of so many little things to provide a complete product. They supply a USB stick that you insert the micro SD card into to transfer files. Transferring files is pretty seamless for me since I also use TempoWeave, their design software. (Neither iWeaveIt nor Fiberworks appealed to me) The sensor array was easy to install on the Jane. You do have to take down the system unit when you warp unless you have a narrow warp but it's just a matter of unplugging the ribbon cable. The unit fits over the Louet raddle. You can use the system for threading and treadling. The system alerts you when you have a weft color change coming in the next pick. Once you have woven at least 6 inches, you can use the PPI calculator to confirm that you are on target. The system keeps track of where you are when you stop a weaving session, as long as you hit the Home button. I still note the next pick to make sure. TT has always picked it up where it should have.