Hello there Weavers :)
This seems like a silly question, but I keep having trouble with this so...
How do you do the knot to tie off when changing colors on your warping board so that tension stays even? Many times I tie a knot of sorts and then when I let go, that end looks 'baggy' compared to its neighbors.
So...I just realized that each color change does not need to get tied to the peg...it can be tied to the end of previous color yarn! Also, just realized that I should not be tying on at the end where the cross is right there, but at the other end of the warp. This one may end up a bit wonky!
Loraine, it depends on the number of ends of a particular colour you have in your warp. You will need to change your colour at either end of your warp depending on where the colour needs to be changed.
I have just tried a surgeons knot to join to strands on my warp board. It worked so much better.
Try you tube or Google for how to tie it.