I'm a new weaver. I'm working on Grannie Pam's (gorgeous!) towels. It's my first adventure with boucle'. I noticed that a couple warp threads floated above the weft picks. I'd like to fix it while it's still on the loom under tension. Does anyone recall which Season/Episode talks about fixing weft boo-boos? I've gone through most of Season 1 this morning looking for it.
Any tips are greatly appreciated.
Kindest regards,
Hi Cynthia,
Try this from the Index: -broken warp thread, mending 3.3, 24:54
There is also a YouTube video Jane did that you might link to watch
Hi Ginette,
Thank you. I have a couple follow-up questions:
1. I didn't see the index entry you referenced. Was it in the index for Season 1? I just checked my downloaded Season 1 index and still didn't see it.
2. I did re-watch Season 1, 3.3 and saw the nifty warp repair. Now I'm not sure which gets the repair, the warp or the weft. The weft went under rather than over a couple of warp threads. It only happened over about 6 picks. I tried needle weaving the weft for a few inches to reestablish the tabby. It was quite challenging to do. Then I decided to post the question. Should I be mending the warp a la 1.3.3 or the Knot-in-Warp YouTube video for the two patches with errors instead of trying to fix the error by needle weaving the weft?
I really like the YouTube video. Thank you so much for the link.
Kindest regards,
Hi Cynthia,
I found it in the Season 1 index, I used the search option using the word 'warp'. I couldn't remember what word(s) would work best! ;)
I would have done what you did, needle it through. I'm not sure if this would help but loosening the tension on the warp might help. I often do it off the loom before I wash it (that's usually when I catch it, off the loom!). You might find that better. Whichever method you use, don't forget to needle weave it an inch or so past the error on both sides. When off the loom and fixed, wash it before you trim the ends and remove the thread with the mistake.
Just another thought, if you haven't gone that far passed this spot, can you unweave to the mistake?
Hi Ginette,
Thank you for your follow-up comments. I wove another towel before dinner and I noticed that the skips happen when I get too close to the reed. I think some of the mistakes that I fortunately caught and corrected have shown me that I need to just advance the reed; it takes less time than undoing the messes that occur when I try for just one more pick. I'll have to do some of the corrections off-loom because they are way back in the cloth. I'll do a QA when the cloth comes off and be mindful of your suggestions, especially allowing enough before and after needle-weaving and not snipping the hanging threads until after the cloth is washed and dried.
Kindest regards,