I'm going nuts here. First off-I'm a relatively new weaver-about 3 months now. So far, I've been trying lots of different kitchen towels with mostly successes. Twice now, I have towels come out that are off-grain. Both times the warp has been for six towels, so a little longer than I'm doing for other towels. The ones today are a buffalo plaid. Four towels look good, two are off-grain. I know for certain that one of the two was the last one on the loom. Why is this happening? They look ridiculous when folded or hanging on a towel rack because the hems are wonky. I did the buffalo plaid in 2/2 twill. 20 epi and 20 ppi. The other ones were a herringbone twill pattern also 20 epi and 20 ppi. Any ideas would be so appreciated!
Hi Carey, you aren’t going nuts....sometimes twill towels do that. It shows how powerful that diagonal line is. Try blocking them. Pulling on the opposite corners. That can often re-set the diagonal. Hope this helps. Try it and let us know.
Thanks for the quick reply! I have stretched and ironed them, and I can make them look somewhat better. But when I wash them, they bounce right back. Will a keeping a shorter warp help? Is there anything that can be done to prevent it?