Jane, a friend of mine bought a Spring Loom and is having trouble forwarding her warp. She says she’s always having to get up and adjust things and it’s not a smooth process for her which interrupts her weaving rhythm. You produced so many videos for Louët, did you do one on cloth advancement?
Hi There, I haven’t done a video on cloth advancement but I can offer a few suggestions. There is a round nut at the end of the screw that can be adjusted to increase or decrease the tension on the cable. She might like to loosen than off a tad. Sometimes grit and dust build up on the wooden disc that the cable wraps around which can cause it to stick. She could take the cable off and clean that disc. Once it is nice and clean she could take the end of a candle and rub it on the disc and the wax will act as a lubricant. After that wrapping the cable around the disc again, making sure there are no overlaps. That should make it smooth as a babies bottom :). Hope this helps.
One last thing....I’m sure she knows this but just in case she doesn’t. Once the loom is warped the toggle should be disengaged from the ratchet allowing the friction brake to be the only thing holding tension.
I can’t believe you answered this so quickly! My friend Liz is also an online member and I told her to ask you but I’m not sure she knows about the forum so I texted your answer to her. I hope this solves her dilemma. She was talking of selling her Spring! I’ve read such good things about them. I wonder where I could put a 5th floor loom?? We don’t use the dining room that much...
I hope Liz doesn’t sell her Spring....it is such a fabulous loom and the brake just needs some tweaking. If she does sell still want to sell it I think you should ditch your dining room table, ha ha. They are so overrated.
Love your sense of humor as it matches mine. I agree about the dining room table!