Season 6 Episode 5 - Name Drafting Overshot

Season 6 Episode 5 - Name Drafting Overshot

What is Name Drafting?

Well, basically you assign a harness on your loom to a letter in the alphabet, then you take words that have meaning to you, a name, a piece of poetry, a Haiku..... assign the letters in the word to the harnesses on your loom. Tweak it a tad to follow the rules of overshot and you have your very own personalized pattern.

Name drafting is a perfect way to make a piece of weaving very special. In this episode, I chose the words 'Good Food' to interpret in Overshot for Rosemary, a dear friend and phenomenal chef who prepared all the amazing meals for our in-house retreats. Rosemary is a huge fan of Maiwa in Vancouver, B.C. and it was only fitting that I use the beautiful Honest Yarns Linen that they carry.

I hope this episode inspires you to try your hand at Name Drafting. As you will see, I got hooked on it for several years and it brought me so much joy.

You can purchase Maiwa's Honest Yarn Linen, click this link

Season 6 Episode 5 - Name Drafting Overshot